The Interface Between Duality and Non-duality

Everything in your world grows according to its nature. For example, a tree would not grow as a flower, nor a mountain grow as a stream. Within every thing, there is a blueprint of intention and it changes according to how you are focusing on it. A mountain could be a bird, IF you intend it to be. But then, why create it as a mountain?

You have choice, always. Choice is built into everything. And then, you go ahead and believe that you don’t have choice. This too is part of the nature of duality. You can only look past this aspect and understand it, when you know to look for it. That would mean that you would not be IN duality any longer.

If you don’t wish to partake of food, to eat, then you don’t go into a restaurant. In this moment, you have chosen to eat in the restaurant of ‘duality’.

Jen: That would require looking at our own blueprint. Can people reference their own blueprint in depth, from duality?

Only if there is a purpose for it. If you’re here to experience duality, why would you want to experience what is NOT duality? Some of you are here right now to intentionally experience the interface between duality and non-duality. It would be pointless for you to judge yourself or anyone else for not being in the same state as you are. You would do better to look for those people who are also interested in the interface. You don’t hold meaning for the other people and you don’t need one another.

The Interface is the space/experience between duality and non-duality. It is the act of choosing the experience, which is sacred. Choosing is of no interest to those who wish to stay in one or the other. As you can see, there is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’; only your choices. If your intention changes, so does your reality – to the extent that you might not even remember that you have changed it. And why would you want or need to remember, once you have a new intention? There is no point in carrying the old as you begin working with the new.


I am deliberately sharing bite-sized pieces of my channelled material because I find that there is a lot to digest. After this one, I was left wondering about a mountain ‘growing’ as a stream, as if it were a living thing. Is it a living thing? I wondered how I would know to change my intention about which existence I focus on; duality or non-duality. If we may forget that we made the choice, do we know we’re making a choice, as we make it? And why do we? How do we? Lots to ponder here!


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This post is part of an ongoing series of Intergalactic Messages. In Oct 2019, I began an experiment with going into a light hypnotic state and seeing what I could find out from my Intergalactic team. Over the course of about 18 months, I repeated this process, with Jennifer Ellis as my guide. I will continue to share excerpts from these valuable and thought-provoking recordings.
An excerpt from a channeling on Oct 16, 2019 – Vancouver, Canada

photo credit:

Mountain Photo by Smitty on Unsplash

Stream Photo by Piotr Musioł on Unsplash

Flower Photo by Sergey Shmidt on Unsplash

She Who Knows

She Who Knows is the name of my Blog/Pod. I share my heartfelt and useful insights from my natural curiosity and my own experiences. It’s my laser beam of channeled vibrational light and information.

I’ve creatively named my combination of blog posts and podcasts, ‘Blog/Pod Posts’ – a symbiotic exchange and learning process between me and my Edge-dwelling Community. I post 2-4 times a month under a variety of themes. Be ‘in the know’ about new posts by joining my mailing list. Click the button below.
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