The Shift of ‘Mobility’

“There is an emerging concept that it is ‘wrong’ not to live in the present moment. Right or wrong is actually irrelevant because, once you live in the moment, not living in the moment falls out of your experience and therefore, out of your perception. When we talk about the power of the present, the people who are talking about it, living it and teaching it, their intention is to experience the choice point; the interface. They are therefore a part of your ‘tribe of intention’.


Duality needs something to push against. It defines itself by what it is not. This is not a mechanism for oneness, therefore, judgement is a concept of duality.  There is no need to be ‘judge-mental’ if you are not living an experience of duality. Within duality, it is not wrong to judge. Instead, it is part of the experience.


Another version of judgement would be what we refer to as wisdom. Wisdom is not judgement-al. Moving between duality and non-duality is part of what we will call the interface.There is a beauty in the interface that is not available, not appreciated, except in the interface.”


Jen’s question: “Is there an idea of how many people currently exist in the interface versus what we are calling duality?”


“As a percentage of human life on your planet, in this dimension, we would say 23%, roughly. However there is also intelligent life, existing at the same time, in other dimensions on planet Earth, who are also experimenting with some, although not all, of the same concepts. Percentages are different in those dimensions. Those numbers would not be useful to you in this context.


We are, in your view, shifting our perspective as we speak. (tilting Lucca’s head around). Over here, on Lucca’s left, is an element of change coming for this planet, which has to do with mobility. You would call it travel or transportation. We call it mobility because it begins on a cellular level and moves to the level of multi-celled organisms and items.


This shift, for which you have been waiting – ‘waiting’ being an element of time that is not actually useful – this element is on the edge, over the left shoulder of your perception. As you shift your perception, you will avail yourselves of the possibilities of moving without having to burn fuel, which will make things faster and easier. You will then need to find a new organising principle for life on the planet. A great deal of your time and energy is involved in the many aspects of moving people and things on the planet.


Removing the requirement to move people and things, will necessitate a major reorientation around how you engage with one another. What will you do with the resources and energetic input currently engaged in building and maintaining roads and vehicles, bridges, railways, ports, airports, wires (power grids), tunnels, etc.


The infrastructure is challenging to grasp. It takes up real estate in your cities and communities. It takes time in your day. Removing it will leave a hole. There is nothing wrong with a hole but humanity will face a choice as to what it does with the freed resources, including time. What else will it do? How intentional will humanity be?


Mobility is a huge organising principle for humanity. Time is not just for doing things. It encompasses how long it takes to get somewhere or to move items from one point to another. How long does it take to assemble the resources to build something and then to build it? It’s a form of puzzle, if you like. If this mobility element disappears, then what? If you begin to think about powering/organizing in another way, how might that alter all of the activities, processes and concepts that depend on the old concept of mobility?


It’s a ponderance. It will open doors for you to step through but only for those of you who are already looking for a door. The rest of you won’t even see a door. And that is not right or wrong; it’s a choice.”


Lucca’s Comments:

Although I didn’t ask about ‘mobility’ in this session, the idea isn’t completely foreign to me. In this channeling, my Intergalactic team introduced the concept of ‘The Interface’, which is a term I had not used until now. I had thought of the liminal space in which I often find myself, as a sort of bridge. I find I like the term Interface, as well as the idea that we are at choice around it. I invite you to stretch your imagination, if you haven’t already, into the ramifications of a future without ‘mobility’ as we have known it. What do you imagine might replace it?

* * *


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This post is part of an ongoing series of Intergalactic Messages. In Oct 2019, I began an experiment with going into a light hypnotic state and seeing what I could find out from my Intergalactic team. Over the course of about 18 months, I repeated this process, with Jennifer Ellis as my guide. I will continue to share excerpts from these valuable and thought-provoking recordings.
This is an excerpt from a channeling on Oct 16, 2019 – Vancouver, Canada

photo credits:
Railway: Photo by Jan Huber on Unsplash
Tunnel: Photo by Ricardo Gomez Angel on Unsplash
Power Lines: Photo by Jay Heike on Unsplash
Railway/Parking: Photo by Dadan Fitrayana on Unsplash
Container Ship: Photo by william william on Unsplash
Air Terminal: Photo by Tomas Williams on Unsplash

She Who Knows

She Who Knows is the name of my Blog/Pod. I share my heartfelt and useful insights from my natural curiosity and my own experiences. It’s my laser beam of channeled vibrational light and information.

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