What Is in Your Nature?

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As a preamble, this post is another in the series of channeled material from my guides and Intergalactic team. Aside from the information in the post, you can also get a feel for how it comes about for me. I get images, feelings, thoughts, and then I have to interpret them. Usually, there is an ‘ah-ha’ moment followed by more information. It’s as if, once I turn the key, I can receive more on the other side of the metaphorical doorway.


At the start of our session, a booming voice in my head said, ‘You’re not here to do this all on your own.’ It felt tight up the left side of my neck and I felt a bit ‘twitchy’ overall.


I feel as if I am way up in the air, looking down on the landscape – at about the height of a hot-air balloon. It’s a sunny day and slightly hazy. This image disappeared quite quickly and I felt quite happy while I was in it.


Suddenly, I was back in the scene again. Everything felt clear and calm; not windy. My guides began moving my head, as they often do when I am channeling. They moved it way over to the right. I sensed that I was sitting in the shade of the mountain and could see steep mountains all around me. I was peering down the very steep mountainside and realised that I must BE on the mountain now, instead of being up in the air. I can see a mountain goat of some sort, crawling up and down the rocky face of the mountain. The word ‘ibex’ comes into my thoughts.


I don’t experience any fear and, although my situation could be seen as precariously balanced, it doesn’t feel that way. It’s sheer rock but I feel equipped. I don’t look at the cliff face and wonder whether I can handle it. I feel that it is in my nature to climb – it’s normal.


Then, it’s as if I unpack the meaning of the experience… I realise that, in what I’m looking at in this lifetime, it doesn’t matter how steep or difficult it seems, I’m equipped. All I need to do is take the next step; up, down, sideways, clinging to the edge of the cliff and looking around at the scenery. There will always be things I am trying to understand, navigate, reflect upon, climb over, because that’s the nature of who I am and what I’m doing in this lifetime.
It isn’t that when I’m doing these things, I’m doing something incorrectly or ‘not getting it’, rather it’s that this is what I’m here to do and how I’m here to do it. I can treat it the way the ibex treats the mountainside. The ibex doesn’t say to itself, ‘I didn’t climb the mountain today, I’m hurting someone, someone’s going to be disappointed.’ It just continues with what is in its nature to do and be.


I leave you with this thought today:
What is in your nature? What is the positive or at least neutral aspect of how you have been for your whole life?


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This post is part of an ongoing series of Intergalactic Messages. In Oct 2019, I began an experiment with going into a light hypnotic state and seeing what I could find out from my Intergalactic team. Over the course of about 18 months, I repeated this process, with Jennifer Ellis as my guide. I will continue to share excerpts from these valuable and thought-provoking recordings.
This is an excerpt from a channeling on Nov 13, 2019 – Vancouver, Canada

photo credit: Stefano Zocca

She Who Knows

She Who Knows is the name of my Blog/Pod. I share my heartfelt and useful insights from my natural curiosity and my own experiences. It’s my laser beam of channeled vibrational light and information.

I’ve creatively named my combination of blog posts and podcasts, ‘Blog/Pod Posts’ – a symbiotic exchange and learning process between me and my Edge-dwelling Community. I post 2-4 times a month under a variety of themes. Be ‘in the know’ about new posts by joining my mailing list. Click the button below.
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