Portal-ing is a Verb

You may prefer the audio version at just over 13 minutes…

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As a preamble, this post is another in the series of channeled material from my guides and Intergalactic team. Aside from the information in the post, you can also get a feel for how it comes about for me. I get images, feelings, thoughts, and then I have to interpret them. Usually, there is an ‘ah-ha’ moment followed by more information. It’s as if, once I turn the key, I can receive more on the other side of the metaphorical doorway.


I’ve got two helpers with me. We’re holding hands in a circle and we’re floating. It looks like in space. I can’t see them with my physical eye but I know there’s a presence. Nothingness. I can see stars all around us… It’s the portal… It’s me. I am the portal. They can’t explain the purpose of the portal. I’m in it right now so I can see the other one – I can see the ‘house portal’.


As I related this to Jen, my facilitator/witness, I understood that I am a portal. At the time, this was a new concept to me. I had come across and felt geographic portals and even portals that moved to different locations over time, and through time. I had never entertained the idea that a person could be a portal, much less that I could be one. My two helpers went on to show me the portal of my house…


The house portal is a beam of white light. It’s been there for 12 years (since 2008). Its purpose is stabilising. It’s stabilising the community. Beings come in and out of the portal. There exists on the planet a range of different types of portal. I am just holding this portal. Beings come in and out. The portal is like an anchor – energetically – also like a pipeline to facilitate coming in and out of this dimension. There’s no maintenance so I’m just keeping the space clear.


The beings created the portal while I was living here because I had agreed to hold it. I can look down from above and see portals all over the city. Each has people like me, attendants, who hold them. All the ones that are clear white light, they all have somebody who holds them. There is a centralised dimension that decides where a portal is placed. I’m not part of that, though. Holding a portal is not my primary reason for being on the planet. I was here anyway so I said, “Yeah sure, I’ll take a portal.” There was a call asking, ‘Who can take care of this portal?’ and I responded, ‘Yeah, you can put me here.’ There’s a council, like a committee, up there in the (space)ships. There are people who come on and off the planet all the time and they have to have… it’s like an airport.


I am a portal. When I was born, I was a portal but I was not completely activated. Then there was a confluence of: me being ready; the vibration of the planet being at the right stage and; the need being there. The whole thing is driven by a need on a universal level. I agreed to function as a portal in this lifetime. To do what I needed to do, I had to have ‘portal-ing ability’. It makes me happy to do this but (on Earth) we don’t have a concept for it.


There’s many aspects to what I’m doing here on Earth. It’s a bit like being a traffic cop but way more sophisticated. Some travellers have a purpose; a holiday or a visit or a conference or a wedding. They don’t necessarily fly all the time and they don’t always fly the same route. Therefore, they’re not as familiar with the process. There are the ones who metaphorically fly all the time, they don’t need much help. Then there’s the ones who wander around the metaphorical airport and they don’t know where the gate is or how to make their passport work. They didn’t pack very well and they’re not sure where they’re going or why they’re on this trip. Sometimes they don’t want to go. Some of them have been held back. Some get travel weary and travel sick.


They all do better when they reorient back to knowing where they’re going and what they’re doing. There are beings like me, in the airport, to help them with information. The helpers are not just the obvious ones, who wear the ’Let me help you’ T-shirt and hat but also the ones who hang out in the lounges and look like they’re also traveling. I’m one of the latter. I’m hanging out, watching and often I don’t say anything. I just sit there. Sometimes I’m having conversations that several other people have to ‘overhear’.


My ‘portal-ing’ (function) is always active but I don’t always do it consciously. I have different levels of ‘conscious awareness’ around this. On some levels I’m conscious, on some, unconscious and some levels go to sleep when I go to sleep. Some people pay me for this service and some don’t. The people who are going to pay me have to know they’re going to work with me. They’re a subset because they have to be awake and have resources that they’re willing to keep activated or ‘in flow’. The rest of the people I can work with and they don’t have to know they’re working. Some people are supposed to pay me and some don’t need to. Those who are supposed to pay me will find me no matter what. Like they’re walking around with thousand dollar bills in their hands, looking to give them to me. (*I see brown notes)


Jen: Are there changes from January onwards, around those people?

Lucca: No. The change with them is that they are looking for somewhere to put their money. They’re holding it out in front of them! (Laughter) All I have to do is hold my hat out so they can put their money in it. Holding out my hat is like a metal detector that you take to the beach. They’ll come when they’re ready.


I have had a misconception that the guides are clarifying: I don’t actually have to go looking for the people (who will need to work with me); they’re already looking for me. I just have to make sure I say yes when they find me – which is so ease-ful. When they find me, I always know. And the flow of money is not complicated to navigate. It’s as if they are saying to me, “Let me get this (money) out of my hand so that we can get started!” I can see it – it’s *two $1000 bills at a time – plastic money with the window in it. I don’t need additional clarity on the timeline. It feels very present. These people need to give me the money. I’m more focused on the work. They put the money in my hand and I put it in my pocket. That’s the ignition button.


(*Note: This session took place as the pandemic was in it’s early stages and we didn’t yet know. A couple of months later, the Canadian government was providing financial assistance to people who had lost their income due to the imposed pandemic restrictions. The payments were $2000/month. Canadian $1000 notes are brown)


On my new business card, it says on the front, ‘You already know’. That’s the one I haven’t printed yet. These people who will be working with me, they are getting on the right plane and they’ll know what to do when they get to their destination. I suggest that they think about it by asking, ‘Where do you want to go? What does your intuition say you’re supposed to be doing there?’


Conversation for me is a form of ‘play’. People just need to refresh their itinerary. Sometimes I’m to tell them, ‘You’re on the right flight; now go!’ In baseball, they say, ‘You’re on deck’ or in theatre it’s ‘Places, folk, places!’ I’ve got to make sure the person’s rocket is aimed in the right direction or they could blow up their feet. Or I might say to them, ‘No, of course that rocket isn’t going anywhere; it’s not your rocket! Now this one; this one’s yours.’ Then they say, ‘Oooooh, that feels better!’


I live here on the planet but I don’t really live here. You approach things differently when you’re visiting. You don’t spread your stuff all over the place. You might be living out of your backpack so to speak. You’re more aware of a beginning, middle and end to what you’re doing than when you truly ‘live’ somewhere. My guides are helping me to understand that I shouldn’t criticise myself for not feeling a clear sense of permanence. When you’re a visitor, you don’t expect to become a citizen of a country. This helps me to understand why I don’t have a huge footprint in my community. I could pack up pretty quickly. I’m not a traveller; I’m a visitor. A visitor stays a while and then moves on. This is about setting realistic expectations for myself so that I don’t keep judging myself for falling short on something I was not meant to be doing in the first place. It’s not ‘my rocket’, so to speak.


What I’m doing always feels better when it’s ‘right’. I know when I’m trying to do something that isn’t right because it’s uncomfortable. I can’t get my seating or footing or orient myself. It signals that I need to keep wriggling, trying; like Goldilocks trying to find the right temperature of porridge or the right bed. It’s never going to feel comfortable if it’s not my rocket. ‘Stay in your wheelhouse’, they keep saying to me. That doesn’t mean I should limit myself. It means that I should stay where it feels right – where I feel competent, where I have all the resources, where what I’m doing makes sense to me. I shouldn’t be trying to do the things that aren’t right for me. Paradoxically, if it’s the right, new thing for me, even when I’m not confident, it still feels good.


As I’m holding hands with these other two beings, as we float above things, there’s a hole in the middle of our circle – and a portal is essentially a hole: it’s a space; it’s emptiness; it’s a void but it creates a vacuum that moves energy, matter and consciousness. As an example, in our bodies, there’s more empty space than there is substance but the empty space is contained within a membrane. Similarly, in a portal, there’s a membrane around the void. Three beings together create more portal stability than just two. As we move out from the three of us, there’s still more beings holding us. There’s an entire web around each portal. That web draws from the portal but it also supports it. The energy dynamic goes in multiple directions. It’s like one membrane moving against another, creating slippage.

Here are a few questions for you to ponder:

Might you have had an experience with being on or near a portal in your life? What was the experience like for you?

Have you met anyone whom you think might be holding a portal or actually ‘be’ a portal? Or are you one? Just ask yourself and see what your immediate, intuitive answer is.

Does hearing about the idea of portals and portal-ing hold meaning for you? How so?


Excerpt from Lucca Hallex’s channeling on Jan 8, 2020 – Session 5



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This post is part of an ongoing series of Intergalactic Messages. In Oct 2019, I began an experiment with going into a light hypnotic state and seeing what I could find out from my Intergalactic team. Over the course of about 18 months, I repeated this process, with Jennifer Ellis as my guide. I will continue to share excerpts from these valuable and thought-provoking recordings.

photo credit: Jeremy Perkins on Unsplash

She Who Knows

She Who Knows is the name of my Blog/Pod. I share my heartfelt and useful insights from my natural curiosity and my own experiences. It’s my laser beam of channeled vibrational light and information.

I’ve creatively named my combination of blog posts and podcasts, ‘Blog/Pod Posts’ – a symbiotic exchange and learning process between me and my Edge-dwelling Community. I post 2-4 times a month under a variety of themes. Be ‘in the know’ about new posts by joining my mailing list. Click the button below.
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