Duality is About Choice

“Duality is not something to be avoided; it is an opportunity to experience. What you do with that experience is up to you – each and every one of you. If there is light and dark, you choose. Choosing is intentional. It is, and can be, playful, until you believe that it is not. You believe that choice can be taken away but, actually, that is never the case, unless you believe that it is. It all comes back to perception, which in turn comes back to intention. What are you doing with each experience? Further, we could ask, what would you LIKE to experience?


Ultimately, everything is simple and yet, it is also complex. But the complexity is also simple. This is duality; everything is simultaneously simple and complex – always, in its wholeness. The wholeness encompasses everything.
In this system in which you live, you take things apart in order to find the differences. If you would not have that wish to find difference, you would not take things apart – which does not mean that you don’t know how things work because the knowing can never be lost.


(What’s lost, perhaps, is the ‘knowing that we know’.) *Jen’s interjection
And that is important, when you believe it is important. In fact, nothing is important, or more important; it just depends on what you want. It is a different way of navigating than the one that ‘duality’ promotes. Duality is all about choice, so you will create every system on this planet to reflect choice. That, after all, is the experiment! Why would humanity create something here that does not reflect a very deliberate experiment? The fact that you don’t create anything else reinforces your perception that there isn’t anything else – which is not the truth.”


There is something ultimately very satisfying to me in the idea of paradox. When I play with words, I like to go back to the dictionary definition, as it often gives me additional insight. Here it is:

par·a·dox | ˈperəˌdäks |
a seemingly absurd or self-contradictory statement or proposition that when investigated or explained may prove to be well founded or true: in a paradox, he has discovered that stepping back from his job has increased the rewards he gleans from it.
• a statement or proposition that, despite sound (or apparently sound) reasoning from acceptable premises, leads to a conclusion that seems senseless, logically unacceptable, or self-contradictory: a potentially serious conflict between quantum mechanics and the general theory of relativity known as the information paradox.
• a situation, person, or thing that combines contradictory features or qualities: the mingling of deciduous trees with elements of desert flora forms a fascinating ecological paradox.

How could you intentionally choose to shift your perspective on something with which you are grappling in your life? Which aspect of the challenge reflects duality, or the 3-D way of perceiving it, and what doors might open to you if you looked for the paradox in the situation? I believe that we are giving ourselves the opportunity to explore a broader perspective – a Multi-dimensional one. As my guides asked, what would you LIKE to experience?


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This post is part of an ongoing series of Intergalactic Messages. In Oct 2019, I began an experiment with going into a light hypnotic state and seeing what I could find out from my Intergalactic team. Over the course of about 18 months, I repeated this process, with Jennifer Ellis as my guide. I will continue to share excerpts from these valuable and thought-provoking recordings over the coming months.
An excerpt from a channelling on Oct 16, 2019 – Vancouver, Canada


photo credit: Photo by Vlad Hilitanu on Unsplash

She Who Knows

She Who Knows is the name of my Blog/Pod. I share my heartfelt and useful insights from my natural curiosity and my own experiences. It’s my laser beam of channeled vibrational light and information.

I’ve creatively named my combination of blog posts and podcasts, ‘Blog/Pod Posts’ – a symbiotic exchange and learning process between me and my Edge-dwelling Community. I post 2-4 times a month under a variety of themes. Be ‘in the know’ about new posts by joining my mailing list. Click the button below.
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