Intro to Lucca’s Blog/Pod – She Who Knows

Hello my lovely Edge-dwellers! Im Lucca Hallex, Power Sourcerer. Learning is a life-long journey for me which means that my curiosity leads me to questions and answers for myself and my own life journey. What I learn, I turn right around and teach. In the process of teaching and sharing with you, my community, I learn even more. Its symbiotic.


All of my adult life, I have consciously sought answers to the questions I have about how to process my world – through paying attention to my dreams, by journalling with my Higher Self and my Guides, through guided meditations and hypnosis, and by watching for daily synchronicities and signs. You could call it a process of active conversation with myself and my world.

As I observe patterns, I capture them to share with you, either in writing or through the spoken word. These have become the material for my blog posts and podcasts. Although I tried to separate them, they would not be separated. Rather, they are two alternating modalities for my conversation with all of you in my Edge-dwelling community.

I call them She Who Knowswhich is what a long-term former client of mine used to call me when he called to check in. Sometimes what I share with you is written and sometimes its a recording. Whats consistent across the two is the four themes of what I share:

Intergalactic insights – Chats from an Intergalactic perspective. Just as nations have roots in many cultures from many parts of the earth, the earth has active Intergalactic root. I believe that we arent alone in the Universe. Unzip our earth suitsand who are we?

Reflections on being psychic – Observations, tips and skill-sharing from my unique perspective – running the spectrum from being curious about being slightly intuitive to being full-blown psychic.

Channeled flashes – this is where I channel powerful, succinct messages from my Intergalactic team. Some of you may remember that I used to call these Appleseeds.

Empowerment – These are about increasing your awareness, to expand your options and feel personally and professionally empowered. These posts come from my almost 40 years of validating my clients so that you can reframe your experience and step up and into your talent and passion.


She Who Knows blog/pod posts are available here on my web site. Ill announce my posts in my weekly updates by topic, so youll want to be on my mailing list to be in the know. (link is below)

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She Who Knows

She Who Knows is the name of my Blog/Pod. I share my heartfelt and useful insights from my natural curiosity and my own experiences. It’s my laser beam of channeled vibrational light and information.

I’ve creatively named my combination of blog posts and podcasts, ‘Blog/Pod Posts’ – a symbiotic exchange and learning process between me and my Edge-dwelling Community. I post 2-4 times a month under a variety of themes. Be ‘in the know’ about new posts by joining my mailing list. Click the button below.
  • Intergalactic – we are not alone
  • Being Psychic – reflections/tips/skill-sharing
  • Lucca’s Observations – from her life
  • Intuitive Flashes/Channeled Messages
  • Intuitive Empowerment – validation/reframing/choices/stepping up
  • Events/Virtual Events/Programs

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